
Should I Get a Yearly Physical? Yes and Heres Why! – Free Health Videos

The hormone is found in blood. Both men and women need testosterone. It is the case that in males this is the primary sexual hormone. It aids in the creation of sperms as well as voice deepening and muscle development. Testosterone levels in females are significantly lower than in males, but they are essential to regulate a range of hormonal functions in the body, as well as balancing hormones and stimulating the libido of females.

Blood contains two types of testosterone; free testosterone, which does not attach to proteins and bound testosterone, which is bound to proteins like albumin, and also the blood’s sexual hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Doctors may be able to determine the source of the problem using this test to find out if an individual suffers from excessively either low or high testosterone levels in their blood.

The person may notice an increase in testosterone because of a variety of reasons. The doctor may recommend a variety of tests, depending on the source of the problem. To check for low testosterone or high levels of testosterone, the doctor first perform a physical exam.

Before taking the blood test it is possible to inquire about the person’s medical history and any current medication. A needle of a small size is utilized to draw blood from the arm to be tested for blood. Prior to the test, a medical professional may suggest to the patient to stop using prescription medications, such as androgen or estrogen therapy, due to the fact that they may affect hormone levels.

4. Dental Check-up

Perhaps you are asking “Should I get an annual physical?” It is imperative to note that one of the primary purposes of an annual examination is to provide your dentist with an opportunity examine whether your teeth and gums are changing from the previous examination. It is important to identify any signs of tooth decay or gum issues while they are still small issues.

A dentist will examine the present state of the treatment you’ve received if you’ve had cavities filled or replaced a tooth, as well as check
