
Four Things You Should Know about Basic HTML for Customizing Your Website

Are you interested in learning ways to customize your website? Many people learn basic HTML in order to give themselves more control over their sites. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it is the most popular markup language for people who want to create web pages. HTML is comprised of HTML elements resting inside of < angle brackets > . Here are four things you should know if you want to learn how to customize your own site.

1. What is a href HTML?

A href attributes specify the web location of external sources. When you are looking for an HTML external style sheet, for example, the a href could direct you to theme.css, which is a file within a website. It would appear as < a href ... > with the ellipses replacing the full command you would normally see. They can also point to absolute URLs, such as example.com / file.

2. What are anchor tags?

Say you see an HTML line that starts with < a, and ends with < / a > , without the spaces. These As are anchor tags, or anchor links, and they define a hyperlink. In other words, they indicate when a hyperlink should begin and end. Hyperlinks on a page will usually appear underlined or in different color font.

3. What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is used with HTML in order to separate document presentation from from document content. Basically, it gives instructions, or rules, for how HTML elements should be displayed. CSS rules have two pain parts comprised of a sector, such as h1, and declarations, such as the color you want for a font. An HTML CSS link defines the relationship between external sources and documents. Using a HTML CSS link can save you time, since you do not need to identify each and every place for bolding, color, italics etc. throughout pages and pages of your website.

4. What are a href target attributes?

You can use target in your HTML in order to specify the window or frame that a linked document should open from, rather than replacing your own web page. Along with other attributes such as rel and media, target cannot be used unless the href attribute is also present.